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Storm in aw ame home away.

  • 29 Sep 2021
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Good ridre urants bid farewell.

  • 01 Sep 2018
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  • 01 Sep 2018
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Weinstein pushs for dismissal.

  • 29 Sep 2021

Arts & Entertainment

Jungkook's new Album "Golden" Review!

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Jungkook a former member of BTS has offically gone platinum with his new song "Seven Days a Week". His newly released album "GOLDEN" breaking the record for the most streamed album from a kpop soloist on Spotify.

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Books to Read Over Break!

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Break is crucial for students to take time off school to rest. For some, this means more time to sleep in, for others it means time to watch shows or movies, or maybe take up a new hobby. However, I asked people if they read any new books over their break, and here's what a couple of students had to say.

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The New Tattoo Styles!

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The evolution of the rigid ideals of tattoos has offically turned unorthodox. A freer form of tattoo design has been introduced by many gen-z artists. Ranging from cyberart to impressionist styles, modern tattoos now reflect an incredibly talented approach. Tattoo ink has evolved from the simple black coloring to countless shades of every color. This style allows a cross between creativity and the guidlines of tattooing. Now with unlimited creativity for both the tattoo artist and the individual being tattooed, personality and indivudality is stronger than ever.

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The Paintings of Claude Monet!

  • 2023
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The Most Artistic Movies!

  • February 7, 2024

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