Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who has done 2100 artworks. One of his famous paintings was the “Starry Night” which was created in June 1889. He was well known for his still-life, landscapes, and self-portrait; his usage of bold and symbolic colors influence modern art today. A technique that Vincent Van Gogh often used in his paintings was movement and rhythm. Movement is part of the principles of art, it is when an artist creates a visual illusion by utilizing brush strokes, color combination, and etc. Rhythm is one of the other principles of art, it helps guide the viewers to see the movement of the art.

Vincent Van Gogh’s most famous painting is one of the art pieces that utilized both rhythm and movement. As the viewer examines the piece, their eyes travel to the sky then to the tiny village. You can see how the staggered lines create this nice movement. The texture of the artwork brings out unique swaying motions.


The Red Vineyard mostly shows rhythm; you can see that there is a variety of staggered lines. There is also rhythm in color, you’ll see how there is a variety of oranges and yellow. The reason why it is considered a rhythm in color is because of how the colors compliment each other, as well as it is alternating from red hues to yellow hues.

The Wheat Field with Cypresses expresses movement. The readers can see that in the picture the movement is evident, that is because of the line strokes used in the artwork. Movement in this piece is created by how unique each line stroke is by making it thinner or thicker. How each line is taking form rather than a straight line. With that it creates a nice movement to the whole painting itself.

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